The text of Abraham Eckard's will:
(not Abraham son of Philip, Sr., but Abraham brother of Philip, Sr.)In the year 1816 February 26th I took a solemn resolution to make my last Will and Testament, Phillip Eckert my Brother shall have my plantation where I live upon and John Eckert shall have a piece of land above Puffenbargers and the Balance is left shall be sold and my debts shall be paid honestly and what is left shall be divided equally between Magdaline and Mary and Phillip Eckert is to pay each of them One dollars in cash this will I made by myself and so much for me
Abraham Eckert
In a Court held for Pendleton County the 6th day of January 1818
An Instrument of writing in the German language perporting to be the last Will and Testament of Abraham Eckert dec. was presented in Count and the same being proved to be the hand writing of said Abraham Eckert as well as the signature hereto, by the oaths of George Snider, George ______ and George Varner and being translated into the English language by George Dahmer and Michael Hindle (who were sworn hereto) is admitted to Record__
Acopy Test
T Dyer C.P.C.
This is the text of Abraham Eckard's will: (not Abraham son of Philip, Sr., but Abraham brother of Philip, Sr.) ------------------------------------------- In the year 1816 February 26th I took a solemn resolution to make my last Will and Testament, Phillip Eckert my Brother shall have my plantation where I live upon and John Eckert shall have a piece of land above Puffenbargers and the Balance is left shall be sold and my debts shall be paid honestly and what is left shall be divided equally between Magdaline and Mary and Phillip Eckert is to pay each of them One dollars in cash this will I made by myself and so much for me Abraham Eckert In a Court held for Pendleton County the 6th day of January 1818 An Instrument of writing in the German language perporting to be the last Will and Testament of Abraham Eckert dec. was presented in Count and the same being proved to be the hand writing of said Abraham Eckert as well as the signature hereto, by the oaths of George Snider, George ______ and George Varner and being translated into the English language by George Dahmer and Michael Hindle (who were sworn hereto) is admitted to Record__ Acopy Teste T DYer C.P.C.
Image of the actual document