Last Will and Testament of Jacob Smith
Source: "West Virginia Will Books, 1756-1971," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 21 June 2016), Pendleton > image 30 of 300; county courthouses, West Virginia.
My transcription:
In the Name of God, Amen I Jacob Smith of the County of Pendleton and State of West Virginia, do hereby make my last Will and Testament in manner and form following that is to say, 1st, I desire all my Just debts and funeral ex- -penses to be paid out of my personal Estate by my Executor herein after named. 2nd, after the payment of all my just debts and funeral expenses, I give to my wife Barbra Smith one cow tow beds and so much of household and Kitchen furniture as she may nead during her nat- -ural life and after her decease, the same is to fall to my son Henry Smith to be enjoyed by him and his heirs forever. 3rd, I give to my Son Johnathan one dollar and unto the heirs of my Son Jacob one dollar, and unto the heirs of my Son John one dollar, and unto my Son Daniel one dollar, and to my Daugh- -ter Fanny the wife of John Eckard one dollar, Three years after my decease to be paid by my Exec- -utor herein after named. 4 - I give unto my Son Henry Smith all the land that I may have in possession at my decease and all the personal property that I a may possess at my desease to be enjoyed by him and his heirs forever and my Son Henry Smith is to keep and maintain me and my wife Barbra comfortably so long as we Both may live. 5th I hereby constitute and appoint Henry Smith Executor of my last Will and Testament and I hereby revoke all other or former wills or Testaments by me hereto for made. Signed Sealed and acknowledged this 30th day of July 1866. In the presence of testi Samuel Puffenbarger Benjamin Mitchell his Jacob X Smith {seal} mark As a Recorders Court held for Pendleton County July 12th 1869 This last Will and Testament of Jacob Smith so deceased was thus presented in Court and proven by the oaths of Samuel Puffenbarger and Benjamin Mitchell the Subscribing Witnesses thereto and the same is admitted to record. Testi Isaac P. Boggs, R.P.C.