Skeen Ancestry

Also features Titus, De Vries, Lamar, Blanford, Hearne, Wilson and other families


The Syrach-Titus, Hearne and Skeen/Skene lines on this page have been verified by reputable resources, namely the first 4 of the above sources.

(click names to see the Geni profile)

Note: Some material on Geni is not accurate and it must be used judiciously.

← On some pages (like this one), you will need to scroll horizontally to see it all (such as Hearne, Cuthbert and Wingate). →

                                                                            Ancestry through parents Nicholas and Elizabeth (Hooker) Hearne

← still needs research → Alleged ancestry of Mary Cuthbert as per WikiTree and FamilySearch

← Possible gateway ancestry to royalty via Mary Cuthbert's alleged ancestor Elizabeth Isabel (Stewart) Mackenzie if following the Stewart line back to Alexander Stewart (1214-1283) to get back to the Capetians and Carolingians via Isabel Capet, to Alfred the Great via the Gospatrick Dunbar or David I Dunkeld and to such lines via other ancestors.
Ancestry through father Andrew Skene of Rudrieston (Ruhtrieston)


Titus Sÿræchs De Vries
b. late 1500s-early 1600s in Vries, The Netherlands
  Ancestry through parents Teunis Nyssen Denyce and Femmetje "Phebe" Jans Sales

Jannetje's parents are listed as Teunis Janse Coeverts (Covert) and Barbara (Lucas or Jans) according to page 6 of The New York Genealogical and Biological Record, Volume XXXIX, 1908
Lemar, Lemore, Leamar, Lemare, Lemaire, LaMare and Lamarr are alternate spellings seen in Thomas Lamar, the immigrant : 300 years of descendants by Dennis Mott Borchers. "The name is spelled LAMAR on the western side of the Potomac, and is LEMAR on the east side of the Chesapeake Bay" (p. 4). The tree on p. 10 supports the family tree as I have listed on my site with Ruth Lamar, daughter of James (m. Verlinda Osborn), son of Thomas (m. Martha Blanford), son of Thomas and 1st wife Mary).
John Blanford (Blandford)
b. circa 1609 Prince Georges, Maryland, USA
d. circa 1670 Prince Georges, Maryland, USA
Dorothy Wright
b. 1613 Somerset, England, United Kingdom
d. March 1, 1703, Sudbury, Middlesex, Massachusetts
Thomas' and Tabitha's parents are unverified.
James Wright
b. 1627, Bolton, Lancaster, England
        William Hearne was an officer in Oliver Cromwell's army. He later went to St. Christopher's in the West Indies in 1660. He then settled in the Maryland Province in what is now Delaware and by 1688, he and Mary settled on the Maryland side in 1688. He lived out his years at his homestead St. Kitts. More details (Source: WikiTree: William Hearne.Also see Hearne, p. 25 ).

1895 family tree diagram of the Hearne family from William and Mary Hearne to their descendants (Source for the entire tree: Hearne, pp. 758 through 765, the last page being source for the portion of the tree depicted on my site)

More history about William Hearne is available in Eastern Shore Hearnes (local copy).

William Hearne
b. 1627
London, England
d. October 1691
Delmar, Somerset, Maryland, USA
Will from Hearne, p. 37
Find-A-Grave Memorial
Mary Cuthbert
(maiden surname unverified?)
b. 1649
London, England
d. after October 1691
Delmar, Somerset, Maryland, USA
Find-A-Grave Memorial
m. 2 Sep 1683, St Mathew, Ilswich, Suffolk, England
(Source: Ancestry, Find-A-Grave Memorial, FamilySearch)
William and Mary were Episcopalians and members of the Church of England. William was a merchant. Their son Thomas was born May 31, 1691 (Source: Hearne, pp. 43 through 45).

The years of William Hearne's life and hisi marriage to Mary Cuthbert are supported by this marriage entry in as shown on herh Find-A-Grave Memorial.

Andrew Skene "The Younger" of Pitmuxton, Scotland

unmarried to Margrat Simson
(Andrew later married Isobel Donaldson 2 September 1675)
Margrat Simson

Ancestry through father Patrick and Elspeth (Mercer) Skene

Margaret Skene (b. ca. 1595) who married William Black (b. 1587)
James Donaldson and Isobel Forbes
John Duncan
Isoabel Donaldson
Gilbert Black
Isabel Duncan


The Dutch-American Titus Family

↓ (scroll to read all) ↓

"The founder of the family was Titus Syrachs De Vries, who according to Bergen's Register of Early Settlers of Kings Comity, and Riker's Annals of Newtown, immigrated to this country at an early date. He was part owner of a gristmill operated by horsepower in New Utrecht in 1660. He was Lieut, of an Infantry Co. of Flatbush in 1673, and was probably promoted, as he is also styled Captain. That he was probably of the noble De Vries family of Holland is indicated not only by his name, which should have been Titus Syrachs simply had he been of the commonalty, but more suggestively that some of his children at least were baptized as Tryntje Titus De Vries, Syrach Titus De Vries, etc. For some reason difficult to conjecture his children all seem to have dropped the name of de Vries and adhered to the less euphonious one, which in accordance with the untrammeled custom of the time, they spelled as the fancy of the moment suggested Tetus, Tietus, Tites, Titos, Tytus or more often Titus.... Possibly the change of the name was in the nature of protective imitation .... Dutch blood was probably not as highly esteemed just after the land had passed from Dutch into English control ... and the Britons have never been specially noted for tender consideration of the susceptibilities of those ... born under other skies.... as a means of escaping the undesirable advertisement of their foreign blood. Or they may have felt the incongruity a noble name and the plebian occupation necessary for wringing a livelihood out of a new country. " (The New York Genealogical and Biological Record, Volume XXXIX, 1908, pp. 5-6).
Titus Syrachs De Vries
b. ca. 1630, Vries, Tynaarlo, Drenthe, The Netherlands
d. January 26, 1688 Flatbush, Kings, New York, United States

Details about this couple can be found on page 5 of The New York Genealogical and Biological Record, Volume XXXIX, 1908.
Jannetje (Jannette) Theunis (Teunise) Nyssen
Also seen with the surname Couverts (Covert/Coeverts) according to page 6 of The New York Genealogical and Biological Record, Volume XXXIX, 1908 and supported by FamilySearch
b. circa December 22, 1641 New Amsterdam, New Netherland Colony
d. circa 1734 Long Island, Province of New York


Immigrant Lamar brothers
Thomas and Peter Lamore, Patents of Naturalization Liber W-C. (579) P 95 Cecilius ... To all persons to whom these present shall come, greetings in our Lord God Everlasting. whereas Thomas and Peter Lamore, late of Virginia and subjects of the Crown of France having transported themselves into this Province hereto inhabitt (sic) have besought us to grant them the said Thomas and Peter Lamore leave here to inhabitt and as free denizens freedom lands to them and their heirs to purchase. Know ye that we willing to give due encouragement to the subjects of that Crownand hereby declare them the said Thomas and Peter Lamore to be free denizens of this our Province of Marylandand go further for us our heirs and successors straightly enjoy in our constitutes and award command that they the said Thomas and Peter Lamore be in all things held treated, reputed and esteemed of the faithful people of us our heirs and successors born within this our Province of Maryland and likewise any lands and tenements, revenues, services and other heriditaments what so ever within our said Province of Maryland may inheritt or otherwise purchase receive take have hold buy and possess and them may occupy and enjoy give sell aliene and bequeath as likewise all Liberties franchizes and all priviledges of this our Province of Maryland freely quietly and peaceably have and possess occupy and enjoy as our faith-ful people born or to be born within our said Province of Maryland and with-out the molestation and vexation trouble or grievance of us our heirs and successors and custom to the contrary and not withstanding. Given at Saint Maries and under our great Seal of our said Province of Maryland this seventeenth day of Novemberin the two and thirtieth year of our dominion over our said Province of Maryland Anno Domino, i663. Witness our dear son and heir Charles Calvert Esquire (something I can't makeout) General of our said Province of Maryland. (Source: p. 6, Thomas Lamar, the immigrant : 300 years of descendants).
Thomas Lamar, Sr.
b. 1630 Wicre, Flanders, Anjou, France
He was a Huguenot.
d. May 29, 1714 Prince Georges County , Maryland (formerly Calvert Co.)

Source: p. 2, Thomas Lamar, the immigrant : 300 years of descendants
Note: Thomas had a second wife in Ann (possibly Ann Pottenger b. 1680, Calvert Co., MD, daughter of John Pottenger and Elizabeth Magruder - d. 1714, MD), but it is Mary who was the mother of Thomas II
(maiden name unknown)

The wife of Thomas is listed as "Mary" on Land Patents Liber 9, f. 312, November 4, 1665, on p. 6, Thomas Lamar, the immigrant : 300 years of descendants.
  Thomas Blanford I
b. circa 1648 Blanford, Dorset, England
d. April 28, 1698 Prince George's, Maryland, USA
m. June 13, 1678, Calvert, MD, USA Tabitha Wright
(maiden surname unverified)
b. 1647 Calvert, Prince George's, Maryland, USA
d. July 9, 1702 Prince George's Co., MD
Thomas and Tabitha Blanford are the common ancestors to James "Jamie" Johnson and the late Rosalynn Carter, wife of President Jimmy Carter, Jamie being Rosalynn's 9th cousin, once removed. (Source: WikiTree). Tabitha Wright (maiden surname unverified) is also listed as Tabitha Mills as her first husband was William Mills. She is the common ancestor between James "Jamie" Johnson and Bill Gates (of Microsoft fame) share according to WikiTree. Bill Gates is descended from Tabitha via her first marriage to William Mills. Jamie is descended from Tabitha via her second marriage to Thomas Blanford. Bill Gates and Jamie Johnson are 10th cousins.               Thomas Hearne

b. 31 May 1691
Somerset Co., MD
d. 1 March 1762
Somerset Co., MD
(Source: Hearne, pp. 103, 108)
Will from Hearne, p. 103
m. ca. 1712 or 1715 Sally Wingate

(b. ca. 1691, Somerset Co., MD - d. before 1762, Somerset Co., MD)

Some sources list Sarah Newbold (b. 1 Nov. 1691, Pocomoke, Somerset Co., MD, daughter of Thomas Newbold and Jane Layfield - 1745, Pocomoke, Somerset Co., MD), but this is not certain. There seems to be stronger support that her maiden surname was Wingate per William T. Hearne's Brief History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family, pp. 43, 103 and other pages.

"I have been unable to get any data of the birth or death of Sally (Wingate) Hearne, wife of Thomas Hearne. I have often heard my grandfather, Clement Hearne, say that the Wingate family was a large one, and that those who went to Tennessee, and the Wingates of Frankfort, KY, were our relatives, as also the Ward families (through the Wingates). ... George, the eldest son of Thomas and Sally (Wingate) Hearne, born about 1715. He removed to North Carolina (date not known) and raised a large family of children [two of them being] Purnell and Nehemiah. ... Purnell. the eldest son. lived in North Carolina and raised a large family, and [among] his children [were the following]: James, Ebenezer, Thomas, Purnell, William and George" (Hearne, p. 165).
    Thomas Lamar, the immigrant : 300 years of descendants, p. 16, mentions Thomas and Tabitha Blanford (above) and their daughter Martha who married Thomas Lamar II (below). |
      John Skene
(a mariner of Leith)
"begotten in fornication"
b. December 1673, Leith, Scotland
Baptized 25 December 1673

John was Marjorie's 3rd cousin, twice removed. Their common ancestors being Alexander and Elizabeth (Forbes) Skene. "At this time and earlier in Scotland, marriages were often arranged to enhance estates, there was a good bit of illegitimacy and much intermarriage among cousins" (Miller, p. 309).

Marjorie/Marjory Black       Syrach Titus
b. before circa December 28, 1679 New York, Kings County, New York, United States

Baptism record for Syrach at the Flatbush Dutch Reformed Church listed as follows:
Date, Father, Mother, Child Sponsor: 1679 Dec 28; Titus Sirachsz, Jannetje Teunis; Sjak; (sponsor) Hendrika Strokels
Source for baptism record: Susie Martin-Rott

This baptism as Sjak 28 December 1679 is further supported by these sources: Early Bergen County Families, compiled by Pat Wardell, which cites Titus, Frank H., "The Dutch Titus Family" in New York Genealogical & Biographical Record, Jan 1908 (Vol. 39, No. 1), p. 7; information online Oct 1999, Dutch-Colonies List, from; Staten Island Church Records, Collections of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, Vol. IV, 1909; Voorhees, David William, Records of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Flatbush, Kings County, New York, Vol. I, 1677-1720, Holland Society 1998.

d. 1761 Bensalem Twp, Bucks County, PA, United States
m. ca. 1702, NY Aeltye (Aeltje) Webs/Webb
b. ca. 1679, NY

Also seen with the surname spelled as Web or Webb, she was daughter of possible Jacob Webs & Geertje Pieters Luyster.
Sources: Early Bergen County Families, compiled by Pat Wardell, which cites Titus, Frank H., "The Dutch Titus Family" in New York Genealogical & Biographical Record, Jan 1908 (Vol. 39, No. 1), p. 7; information online Oct 1999, Dutch-Colonies List, from; Staten Island Church Records, Collections of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, Vol. IV, 1909; Voorhees, David William, Records of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Flatbush, Kings County, New York, Vol. I, 1677-1720, Holland Society 1998.

      Thomas Lamar II
b. 1674 Fishing Place, Calvert, Maryland
d. January 31, 1748 Prince George's County, Maryland, United States

(local copy)
Text version.

The will mentions a son named James.
m. 1699
Prince George, Maryland

The marriage of Thomas Lamar II and Martha Blanford is seen on p. 33 from History of the Lamar or Lemar family in America (also available at p. 33 from History of the Lamar or Lemar family in America [database on-line]. Provo, UT: Operations Inc, 2005.) by LeMar, Harold Dihel. Omaha: Cockle, 1941.

Martha Blanford
b. 1686 Calvert County, Maryland, United States
d. 1748 Prince George's County, Maryland, United States
              George Hearne
b. ca. 1715
d. ca. 1782, NC
m. Frances Calloway
b. ca. 1715
John Wilson
b. 1690, England

The ancestry of the below Matthew Skene (husband of Jannetje Titus) depicted above is based on research. There is indication that the article by Phyllis J. Miller, "A New Hypothesis on the Ancestry of Mathew Skeen of Augusta County, Virginia." The Virginia Genealogist (Oct - Dec 2001), pp. 305-309, convincingly shows Matthew of New York & Augusta Co VA (who m. Jannetje Titus) was NOT a son of Deputy Governor John Skene and his wife Helen (Fullerton) Skene. Rather, Matthew was the son of a different John Skene and Marjorie/Marjory (Black) Skene. Further, DNA findings from 2001 question Matthew (husband of Jannetje) being descended from the Deputy Governor John Skene. So, what is depicted here is correct based on research findings. And in both John Skene cases, both men are ultimately descended from the same Skene family -- back to Alexander Skene III, Laird XI of Skene, and his wife Elizabeth Forbes. Meanwhile, Jannetje's ancestry on this page is verified with note on her paternal grandmother Jannetje.
  According to page 33 of History of the Lamar or Lemar family in America, Thomas Lamar II married Martha Blanford and among their children was a James Lemar. On page 38, it shows that Thomas Lemar II had a son named James who married Valinda Osborn. This is echoed on p. 42. While this book doesn't mention descendants, a later book Thomas Lamar, the immigrant : 300 years of descendants by Dennis Mott Borchers does share the names of some of their children: James Jr. (m. Alasannah Howard), Thomas, Nathan, Ruth (m. Matthew Skeen), a daughter (m. Low/Love?), Keziah (m. Alexander Smith) and Osborn (m. Rachel Beasley) (pp. 10, 136).

Thomas Lamar, the immigrant : 300 years of descendants, p. 17, lists James among the children of Thomas and Martha (Blanford) Lamar and mentions Verlinda as James' wife. p. 18 further shares the the wife of James Lamar was Verlinda Osborn.
"The sons of Thomas Lamar and Martha Blanford, his wife, sold their lands in Maryland in 1750-1755, and removed to the Southland" (p. 5, Thomas Lamar, the immigrant : 300 years of descendants).

"There has always been a question why the Lamar family in Maryland suddenly left to go South. One reason may have been the following which was found in the Archives of Maryland, also Heitman's Reg. of Officers; Reason Beale, Brig. Gen; Flying Camp Maryland. August 16, to Dec. 1, 1776 --? 'Lamar .. Beale. Near Bel-Air, Md., was a family of Beales, very prominent in Revolutionary times. Col. Ninian Beale was the Commander in Chief of the forces on the upper Patuxent River at the time of the mutiny in his ranks about 1754-1755. The overseer on the Plantation of a Mr. Lamar, supposed to be Thomas Lamar, was incriminated in the mutiny, and the Lamars have lost very heavily by the stir that was made, and they were all in sympathy with the establishment (government). This, coupled with the over-running of their lands by the Canadian French Catholics and Indians after the defeat of Braddock, I have decided must have been the cause of their leaving Maryland for South Carolina, and Georgia, just at that time, i755 in a body.'" (pp. 19-20, Thomas Lamar, the immigrant : 300 years of descendants).
James Arthur Johnson's take: The Thomas Lamar here would have been Thomas Lamar III, the brother of James (below). However, the author indicates that is "for what it's worth" and it is interesting to note that James (below) was a Patriot who fought against the established British government, not to say that the result of the Mutiny decades earlier didn't cause some significant discomfort for the Lamar family resulting in the migration.
On p. 487 of William T. Hearne's Brief History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family, the text reads, "My grandmother's name was Nancy, a daugther of John Wilson, a great weaver, from England. John Wilson in Indiana is a connection, as well as the Holtons and Crows in the West."
Matthew Skene
(Skane, Skeen)

b. 8 August 1701, Leith, Midlothian, Scotland
Baptism: 14 August 1701 (source: Ancestry)
d. February 1748, Augusta Co. (later divided into Frederick Co. and again into Shenandoah Co.), VA (death date and place source p. 32, Clan Skeen by A.T. "Tom" Skeen)

According to Mathew Skeen (1701-1748) | WikiTree, Mathew was born 8 August 1701 to John and Marjory (Black) Skeen. He was christened 14/15 August 1701 in South Leith, Midlothian, Scotland. Others mistakenly list Matthew Skene/Skeen b. 1677 in Newtyle, Angus, Scotland. Matthew married Jane Titus in 1730 at Staten Island, Richmond, New York. He died in 15 February 1748 or 1749 in Augusta Co, VA, leaving his wife and three minor sons. "Jane was appointed the administrator for her husband's estate. The estate records indicate that Mathew was a farmer, raising sheep, cows, and everything required to live on. Mathew had applied for a land grant in Augusta Co, VA, but before it was granted, he died; therefore, Thomas Lord Fairfax granted the 301 acres along Smith Creek to Jane, his wife, and 3 minor sons: John, Jacob and Mathew for their lifetime." "This land did not move, but Augusta Co was divided into Frederick Co and then to Shenandoah Co; the 3 minor sons of Mathew and Jane Schene have land records in all 3 counties. William Draper had land assigned to these 3 boys until they were old enough to acquire land."

Matthew was a Lieutenant (Ensign - 2nd Lt.) in the Militia in Augusta Co, VA, in 1742. By virtue of his involvement in the Virginia Militia in Capt. Peter Shoull's Company, Mathew was a veteran of King George's War (1744-1748, the third of the four French and Indian Wars).

This Mathew has long been said to be a son of John Skene, Dep Gov of East Jersey. But this has been shown to be untrue. Refer to the article by Phyllis J. Miller, "A New Hypothesis on the Ancestry of Mathew Skeen of Augusta County, Virginia." The Virginia Genealogist (Oct - Dec 2001), pp. 305-309. Further, I (Jamie) would add that since Deputy Gov. John Skene died in 1690 and this Matthew's date of birth is 1701 (not 1677) then that is additional evidence to the research evidence.

m. ca. 1727

Matthew and Jannetje are listed in a 1732 church record (Source: Historical Miscellany - Dutch Church Record, Staten Island, p. 74). They are also listed in U.S., Dutch Reformed Church Records in Selected States, 1639-1989: New York, Staten Island, Stone Arabia and Staten Island, Book 48 with their son in the following manner:
               Pieter          Matthew Skane
               March 26     Jannetje Ties

They moved to what became Shenandoah Co., VA. After Matthew died, she married William Draper and they removed to Rowan Co., NC according to Early Bergen County Families, compiled by Pat Wardell, which would support the Matthew below being her son.

Jannetji or Jannetje (Jane) Titus (Tites)
b. 1702 Flatbush, Kings NY, Kings, NY, USA
d. February 1748, Flatbush, NY, USA
Jannetje (Jane) married to Matthew Skene. When Matthew died, she was the Administratrix of his will in Augusta Co VA: "Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia, 1745-1800. Extracted from the Original Court Records of Augusta County" by Lyman Chalkley:

Skaine, Jane
Date: Feb 15, 1748
Location: Augusta Co., VA
Description: Administratrix
Book Page: WB1-97
Jane Skaine's bond as administratrix of Mathew Skaine.
Source for will: Susie Martin-Rott referencing Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlement in Virginia Volume III, Extracted from the Original Court Records of Augusta County 1745-1800, by Lyman Chalkley, page 9.
  James Lamar
b. 1724, Prince Georges County, Maryland, United States
Moved ca. 1755 to Randolph County, North Carolina; moved to Wilkes County, Georgia, after the death of his wife.
d. 1786, Wilkes, GA, USA

James Lamar fought 14 Feb 1779 at the Battle of Kettle Creek in Wilkes County, Georgia. He was a private. McCall lists James Lamar among the soldiers in this battle and indicates it was a battle that freed Georgia from Tory domination
Sourced above.

A son named James is mentioned in the will of Thomas Lamar.
m. ca. 1745/1750
Prince George's Co., MD
document showing marriage

James and Verlinda Lamar's daughter, Verlinda, married Thomas Jenkins and their daughter, Tobitha, married Thomas Russell, for whom Russell Cave National Monument, in Bridgeport, AL is named for. It was his bounty land from the Revolutionary War where the cave was found. Their son, James, married Paulina Gaines. Their daughter, Melinda Jane Gaines, married Andrew J. Cluck. Their daughter Ellen D. Cluck married Robert S. Raulston. Their daughter Ellen Raulston married Cleve Walker. Their daughter Lois Walker married Charles Dallas Duggar. I am his 7th cousin, once removed, to their son.

Verlinda Osborne (Osbourn/Osborn/Osbourne)
b. 1725, Prince George's County, Maryland, United States
d. 1760

Page 38 from History of the Lamar or Lemar family in America (also available at here) shows James married Valinda Osborn (NOTE: However, the author in 1941 hadn't yet traced their descendants).

            Pernell (Purnell) Hearne, Sr.
b. ca. 1738

Summary of Hearne line: "Nehemiah Hearne was born in North Carolina about 1747. He was a brother of the elder Purnell Hearne. and they were sons of George Hearne, who was the eldest son of Thomas and Sally (Wingate) Hearne, and grandson of the merchant, William Hearne, who died Oct. 1691" (Hearne, p. 138).

1895 family tree diagram of the Hearne family from William and Mary Hearne to their descendants including Thomas Hearne who married Nancy Wilson (Source for the entire tree: Hearne, pp. 758 through 765, the last page being source for the portion of the tree depicted on my site) Thomas Hearne
b. ca. 1720
Delmar, Somerset, Maryland
d. ca. 1800
Montgomery Co., NC
Nancy Wilson
b. ca. 1730
I have researched the ancestry of the below Matthew Skene (husband of Rutha Lamar) and sources1, 2 indicate his parents being Matthew and Jannetje (Titus) Skene. While those sources are not necessarily the most reputable and it has been said this remains in the realm of "long reported but yet to be proven," pages 32-37 of Clan Skeen by A.T. "Tom" Skeen confirms these sources, indicating that Matthew Skene (husband of Jannetje "Jane" Titus) died in Augusta County, Virginia, in February 1748, and his sons John, Matthew and Jacob were minors (which fits with the dates for Matthew below). They also had a son Moses. Further, page 36 of Clan Skeen lists a "Deed From Right Honorable Thomas Lord Fairfax to Moses, Matthew, and Jacob Skeen" recorded in Deed Book S, North Neck of Virginia, p. 86, which includes the following text: "I ... do give grant & confirm unto Moses Skeen of Shanandoah County and Matthew Skeen and Jacob Skeen both of North Carolina ..." So this has the below Matthew's name, Augusta Co., Virginia, where he was born and North Carolina where he lived and died. This leads me to believe that the above Skene generation is substantiated and verified. |

Ruth(a) Lamar Skeen's parents are verified per Clan Skeen by A.T. (Tom) Skeen, p. 284. Her paternal ancestry back to her great grandparents has been verified per Thomas Lamar, the immigrant : 300 years of descendants by Dennis Mott Borchers, pp. 10 and 136.

Matthew Skeen in the 1800 U.S. Census in Salisbury, Rowan Co., NC
(Source: FamilySearch)

On p. 487 of William T. Hearne's Brief History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family, the text reads, "My mother's name was Tabitha, a daughter of Matthew Skein, from Shenandoah Co., Virginia, who was in good circumstances; he held his tongue and was not interrupted in the war. In his youth he talked Dutch, and it is likely he was of Dutch descent. My grandmother's name was Jane Lemare, I think of French descent, and some of her kin would not eat hog meat." Tabitha (sister of Jacob Skeen below) married into the Hearne line. So, there was intermarriage between Skeen and Hearne beyond what's depicted below. The Dutch would refer to Matthew's mother who was from the Dutch Titus lineage above. And Jane Lemare would be Rutha Lamar Skeen. Perhaps she was called Jane or the author had his great grandmother Jane (Titus) Skeen in mind.

Matthew Skene
(also seen as
Mathew Skeen
Matthew Skein)

b. 1737, Augusta Co., VA
d. 1814, Rowan Co., NC
m. ca. 1768
Rowan Co., NC

Thomas Lamar, the immigrant : 300 years of descendants, p. 136, mentions Ruth, a daughter of James and Verlinda Lamar, who "married Mathew Skeen, said to have lived on Cabin Creek, Rowan Co., North Carolina." It also mentions their son "Jacob Skeen m. Alaphair Hearne, to Coweta, Georgia."

I have a DNA match -- K.C.D. -- who has Matthew and Rutha (Lamar) Skeen as ancestors 9 generations back on her ancestry, and it is 8 generations back for me, approaching the edge of what autosomal DNA can reach, but further confirmation regarding this ancestry. I also have a DNA match who shares Matthew and Rutha (Lamar) Skeen as common ancestors and is descended from their daughter Sarah (Skeen) Wilson, sister to my ancestor Jacob Skeen below. Sarah (Skeen) Wilson profiles: Ancestry,, WikiTree and Find-A-Grave.

Rutha Lamar
(Ruth Lamar)

b. 1747, Prince George Co., Virginia, USA
d. 1816, Guilford, Rowan Co., NC, USA

Purnell and Nancy "moved from North Carolina to Tennessee, 1800 to 1807, and had twelve children, whose names I give without regard to order, as I do not know it. James W.; Milbra; Alaphair; Lee S.; Elizabeth H.; Thomas H. Purnell; Nancy; William H.; Sarah; Brunetta, and Ebenezer. James W. married Kate Moxley; children: Wm. C.; Purnell, Joseph; Milbra; Mary; Henry L.; Hardy D.; Wilson; James P; Catherine; Thomas N. and Nancy" per William T. Hearne's Brief History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family, p. 496.

Pernell (Purnell) Hearne
b. the fourth son, born in MD per William T. Hearne's Brief History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family, p. 498.
m. in NC.

Purnell, the fourth son. is the one shown on the family tree ; he married Nancy Rachel Hearne, daughter of his great-uncle Thomas and Nancy Wilson Hearne (Hearne, p. 169).

Nancy Rachel Hearne
b. in MD or NC (not RI) per William T. Hearne's Brief History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family, p. 109
      Skeen/Skene ancestry on this page verified!
Hearne ancestry on this page verified!      
      Jacob Skeen in the 1800 U.S. Census in Salisbury, Rowan Co., NC
(Source: FamilySearch)
Jacob Skeen (Skein)
b. 1769, Rowan Co., NC
d. 1835, Coweta, GA
m. 1788
Rowan Co., NC

I have multiple DNA matches with whom I share common ancestors Jacob and Allyfair (Hearne) Skeen. Franklin Jewett, Betty Earwood and M.A. Bexley.

Alliphair (Alaphair) Hearne
b. ca. 1772
Wilson, Tennessee
d. 1861
Rowan Co., NC
1895 family tree diagram of the Hearne family from William and Mary Hearne to their descendants including Alaphair Hearne who married Jacob Skein (Source for the entire tree: Hearne, pp. 758 through 765, the last page being source for the portion of the tree depicted on my site)  

"Jacob Skeen (c1769-1835), son of Mathew and Rutha Lamar Skeen, was listed as head of household in the Rowan Co census of 1820. By the time the 1830 census was taken, Jacob and Alliphair Hearne, dau. of Pernell and Nancy Rachel Hearne, had moved to Coweta Co, GA. Jacob and Alliphair left their land in Rowan Co. (now Davidson) in the hands of their oldest son, Osbourn Skeen.

Pernell left NC with his parents to live in GA.; Benniter m. Elijah Bingham and moved to Montgomery Co; Nancy Charity m. James Johnson and lived near Handy;James d young, leaving a son James, who lived out of NC; Mathew d. young and left a son Jacob Titus who was cared for by his Uncle Osbourn; Allifair m. Joseph Spence; Jacob d. in GA; but his wife Alliphair returned to Davidson Co and lived with her grandson Jacob T. Skeen, until her death in 1861."

Source: The Heritage of Davidson Co. (NC) (The Genealogical Society of Davidson Co, NC 1982, Lexington, North Carolina).

Osbourn Skeen (Osborn Skeen) is also mentioned in a land grant where Nancy Charity (Skeen) Johnson's husband Jimmy Johnson inherits land from his late father John Johnson.


descendants through daughter
Nancy Charity Skeen Johnson

Nancy Charity Skeen's parents and Hearne ancestry on this page are verified per the source William T. Hearne's Brief History and Genealogy of the Hearne Family. Her father and paternal grandparents (and patrilineal Skeen line) are also verified per the note and source listed to the left. They are also verified by DNA as mentioned above.

Developed in June 2016.