Will and Estate of Joseph Morris
Source: pp. 40-41, Along the way with Benjamin Morris, (1757-1808) and his wife, Sarah, of North Carolina by Lewis Ecroyd Morris (1996) (Also available at Internet Archive)
The will of Joseph Morris who was
born 1 Feb 1731, d. 24 Nov 1798
who is our line.
Pasquotank County
Be it known unto all men by these presents that I Joseph Morris Senior of the County aforsaid being sick but of sound & perfect mind & memory, thanks be to God, therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, and the time when uncertain, do make and ordain this my last will and Testament. That is to say I recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it and my body to the earth to be decently intered by my Executors hereafter named, and as touching such Worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, devise, and dispose of in the following manner and form.
lmprimis my ill is that all my just debts should be paid in convenient time after my decease.
ITEM. I give and bequeath to my loving wife Elizabeth Morris, two good beds and furniture, one desk, one blue chest, six puter plates, two puter dishes, two large puter basins, one linen and onne woolen wheel, one pair culling cards, one bale pot, frying pan nd cresset, one pot trammel, one cloth loom, three hay and gears, six flg bottom chairs, one square table set, coffee carfe and server, one puter tankard, one meal sifter, one washing tub, one pail and srigan, one small case and bottles, one large earthen bowl and teapot, one horse named Teague, two cows and calves, four head of sheep, one sow and six shoties, one course flax haukle, one looking glass, eight gallon pot -- one weeding hoe and one narrow ax -- -- also one pair fire dogs to her and her heirs forever --
ITEM. I give and bequeath to me son Benjamin Morris forty shilling lawful money to be taxed out of my estate
ITEM. I give and bequeath to my daughter Miriam Cox one cow and calf --
ITEM. I give and bequeath to my son John Morris four head sheep, one ox chain.
ITEM. I give and bequeath to my daughter Overman four head sheep -- -
ITEM. I give and bequeath to my son John Morris on flax seed sieve and ox chain.
ITEM. I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Brothers two head sheep, one small oval table, one deep dish and one puter plate --
ITEM. I give and bequeath to my son Thomas Morris one hand mill, two young steers to Thomas' land.
ITEM. I give and bequeath to my son Joshua Morris one large case, twelve bottles, one cow and calf and one three-year-old steer and six sheep
ITEM. I give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah Morris one feather bed, bedsted, two sheets and one blanket, one linen wheel, four puter plates, one chest cald hergh (cauldron), one basin
ITEM. I give and bequeath to my daughter Susanna Morris one feather bed, bedsted, two sheets, one blanket, one linen wheel, four puter plates and one chest and one basin.
ITEM. I give and bequeath to my daughter Clarkey Morris one feather bed, bedsted, bed quilt, two sheets, one old linen wheel, one chest, four puter plates and one basin, also one bale iron pot
ITEM. It is my desire the remainder of my estate that is not given away be equally divided between my four small children (viz) Nathan, Ann, Penninah, and Milisent Morris
Lastly I nominate, constitue and appoint my brother Aaron Morris and Aaron Morris Junr. executors of this my last Will and Testament, to have the same performed, revoking and disannulling all former Will by me before me made, willed or bequeathed. Ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament this second day of the first month called January 1970 -- -- Signed sealed published pronounced by the aforesaid Joseph Morris to be his last Will and Testament in the presents of Mordecia Morris, and sons Joseph and John Morris.
Estate 1798 Joseph Morris
Ref. Pasquotank County Estate Records, 1712-1931, Joseph Morris 1798 file, shelf number C.R.075.508.106, North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, NC.
Account of Sales, 22 of 11th month 1798, by Thomas Jordan admr. to the will annex'd.
Inventory, 13th of 11th month, 1798, by Thomas Jordan, of the Goods of Joseph Morris Senr. legacies not sold: To Widow, son Joshua, daughter Sarah, daughter Susannah, daughter Clarkey, daughter Miriam, son John, son Joseph, daughter Eliza., son Thomas.
In the above inventory of the estate, Benjamin, who is not named, is now in old Rowan County, and had been the administrator named originally. Mary is also not named. In addition Mariam, John and Joseph, the children of Mary Newby, are named, as are the children of the second marriage to Hannah Overman; Elizabeth and Thomas. Of the ten children of his marriage to Elizabeth, only 5 are named, two are deceased, and three underage.
Elizabeth Morris, the surviving wife, buys a number of items in the estate sale, including a horse for 15 Eng. lbs. two hogs for 10 shilling each. Also, on back of the estate sale bill is a memorandum listing sundry items in inventory left to legacies.
Pasquotank County
Be it known unto all men by these presents that I Joseph Morris Senior of the County aforsaid being sick but of sound & perfect mind & memory, thanks be to God, therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, and the time when uncertain, do make and ordain this my last will and Testament. That is to say I recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it and my body to the earth to be decently intered by my Executors hereafter named, and as touching such Worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I give, devise, and dispose of in the following manner and form.
lmprimis my ill is that all my just debts should be paid in convenient time after my decease.
ITEM. I give and bequeath to my loving wife Elizabeth Morris, two good beds and furniture, one desk, one blue chest, six puter plates, two puter dishes, two large puter basins, one linen and onne woolen wheel, one pair culling cards, one bale pot, frying pan nd cresset, one pot trammel, one cloth loom, three hay and gears, six flg bottom chairs, one square table set, coffee carfe and server, one puter tankard, one meal sifter, one washing tub, one pail and srigan, one small case and bottles, one large earthen bowl and teapot, one horse named Teague, two cows and calves, four head of sheep, one sow and six shoties, one course flax haukle, one looking glass, eight gallon pot -- one weeding hoe and one narrow ax -- -- also one pair fire dogs to her and her heirs forever --
ITEM. I give and bequeath to me son Benjamin Morris forty shilling lawful money to be taxed out of my estate
ITEM. I give and bequeath to my daughter Miriam Cox one cow and calf --
ITEM. I give and bequeath to my son John Morris four head sheep, one ox chain.
ITEM. I give and bequeath to my daughter Overman four head sheep -- -
ITEM. I give and bequeath to my son John Morris on flax seed sieve and ox chain.
ITEM. I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Brothers two head sheep, one small oval table, one deep dish and one puter plate --
ITEM. I give and bequeath to my son Thomas Morris one hand mill, two young steers to Thomas' land.
ITEM. I give and bequeath to my son Joshua Morris one large case, twelve bottles, one cow and calf and one three-year-old steer and six sheep
ITEM. I give and bequeath to my daughter Sarah Morris one feather bed, bedsted, two sheets and one blanket, one linen wheel, four puter plates, one chest cald hergh (cauldron), one basin
ITEM. I give and bequeath to my daughter Susanna Morris one feather bed, bedsted, two sheets, one blanket, one linen wheel, four puter plates and one chest and one basin.
ITEM. I give and bequeath to my daughter Clarkey Morris one feather bed, bedsted, bed quilt, two sheets, one old linen wheel, one chest, four puter plates and one basin, also one bale iron pot
ITEM. It is my desire the remainder of my estate that is not given away be equally divided between my four small children (viz) Nathan, Ann, Penninah, and Milisent Morris
Lastly I nominate, constitue and appoint my brother Aaron Morris and Aaron Morris Junr. executors of this my last Will and Testament, to have the same performed, revoking and disannulling all former Will by me before me made, willed or bequeathed. Ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament this second day of the first month called January 1970 -- -- Signed sealed published pronounced by the aforesaid Joseph Morris to be his last Will and Testament in the presents of Mordecia Morris, and sons Joseph and John Morris.
his Joseph X Morris seal markState of N Carolina Pasquotank County December Term 1798 The last Will and Testament of Joseph Morris Decd. was exhibited and proved in Open Court by the Solumn affermation of Mordicia Morris, One of the subscribing witnesses thereto, who declared that he saw the testator Joseph Morris sign, seal, and acknowledge the within writings per and as his last Will and Testament and that the said Joseph Morris at the time appeared to be of sound and disposing mind and memory, that he also saw Joseph Morris and John Morris sign the same as concurring witnesses. One of the executors therein named being dead and the other refusing to qualify, On motion, ordered that Norman Jordass have administratores, reconcile and singular the goods and chattels, reporters and audits of the said deceased, with the will annexed (the widow and next of kin relinguishing their right) in giving bond in the sum of three hundred pounds, Joseph Banks and Aaron Morris Jr. securities. Ordered that the will be recorded and letters issued [Recorded in Book M page 18 May 1st 1799Ts Witt; F Muse Clk]
Estate 1798 Joseph Morris
Ref. Pasquotank County Estate Records, 1712-1931, Joseph Morris 1798 file, shelf number C.R.075.508.106, North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, NC.
Account of Sales, 22 of 11th month 1798, by Thomas Jordan admr. to the will annex'd.
Inventory, 13th of 11th month, 1798, by Thomas Jordan, of the Goods of Joseph Morris Senr. legacies not sold: To Widow, son Joshua, daughter Sarah, daughter Susannah, daughter Clarkey, daughter Miriam, son John, son Joseph, daughter Eliza., son Thomas.
In the above inventory of the estate, Benjamin, who is not named, is now in old Rowan County, and had been the administrator named originally. Mary is also not named. In addition Mariam, John and Joseph, the children of Mary Newby, are named, as are the children of the second marriage to Hannah Overman; Elizabeth and Thomas. Of the ten children of his marriage to Elizabeth, only 5 are named, two are deceased, and three underage.
Elizabeth Morris, the surviving wife, buys a number of items in the estate sale, including a horse for 15 Eng. lbs. two hogs for 10 shilling each. Also, on back of the estate sale bill is a memorandum listing sundry items in inventory left to legacies.